Oracle Module in Cross Chain of BNB chain
Byzantine Fault Tolerance (BFT) ensures reliable consensus in distributed systems, even with faulty or malicious nodes, by leveraging algorithms that involve node selection, proposal, voting, and decision phases to achieve agreement on a consistent state.
Oracle relayer
? Tại sao set key manager is nil? → keyword defer
Khá impact. có thể update db! Nhưng giả sử mình là 1 node trong đó thì sao? thao túng được tất cả hay không? có cơ chế nào tránh sự thao túng này không? ← check oracle module
Query seq:
- Gen key: prefix 1 byte, chain id 2 byte, channel id 1 byte
- ABCI query store: /store/sc/key + key
Claim cross chain package log:
- where
oracle_sequence = ? and chain_id = ? and status = ?
Get prophecy:
- Gen key: GetClaimId(
chainId, channelId, sequence
) - ABCI query: /store/oracle/key + key
append package
claim execute. → broadcast
Oracle module
:New claim include:
- claim id (msg.chainid, channelID, msg.Sequence)
- validator address
- msg.payload
Get seq ← key value store in keeper
REQUIRE: msg.seq == seq
ProccessClaim ← keeper.go
fail → delete
not success → return
decode payload from string to packages[]
handlePackage(ctx, oracleKeeper, chainID, &pack)
:Check valid oracle validator
REQUIRE: claim≠”” && len(claim.Payload)≠0
GetProphecy(ctx, claim.ID) ← claim was controlled by oracle relayer
- Prophecy is not found → create new Prophecy
REQUIRE: prophecy status is pending
Add claim (validator address, claim.payload)
Proccess Completion ← important
return Prophecy
:call highest claim ← highest claim, highest power, total claims power, total power
why do highestConsensusRatio and highestPossibleConsensusRatio equal 0?
(!) The precision-adjusted value of the quo() function is 8. Except when highestClaimPower is 0, the result is always 0.
← kv storeif
→ set status success, set claimelse
→ failreturn prophecy
:Add claimPayload to map ValidatorClaims[valAddr]
Add addr to map ClaimValidators[claimPayload][]
:Get Power of oracle relayer
for each validators of map claimValidators:
- accure claim power of this claim to find highest claim
- total all claims power
total power ← all power of validators
return highestClaim, highestClaimPower, totalClaimsPower, totalPower